About us

Bronwyn’s baby is a new natural parenting business. It is run by me, Kim, mum to three wonderful children.

Why Bronwyn’s Baby?

Bronwyn’s was my Nan. Unfortunately she is no longer with us on Earth, but this business is a nod to Nan, who loved her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren very much and was often found proudly sharing stories about the youngest of our family babies.

About me:

About usI have a passion to support parents, especially mothers (all kinds of mothers, not only birth mothers). I’m a firm believer in the village mentality, ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. This has been lost over the generations. With it many skills that would have been passed around have been lost too, along with confidence in our own intuition and that ‘gut’ feeling, the ability to trust our instincts.

I am also a trained and insured baby-wearing consultant with over 8 years experience carrying my own children and helping others enjoy building bonds with their children too. I also have over 8 years experience using cloth nappies on my own children and previously set up and run a successful cloth nappy library in Horsham, West Sussex, before relocating back to Somerset in early 2021.

About the business:

Here at Bronwyn’s Baby you can purchase a range of items to support you on your parenting journey. We also offer a range of slings and baby-carriers for hire, along with cloth nappies for those wanting to try before they buy. We also offer support classes and workshops for parents as well as collaborating with other local businesses and their own expertise. 

Please sign up to our social media accounts to keep up to date with developments and new services on offer. If you’re a local Somerset business and would like to collaborate in some way please get in touch.

We are based at 8 High Street in Wells but support parents from all over Somerset with their own slings and baby carriers as well as offering our Somerset based sling library 5 days a week from our shop premises. 

We hope Bronwyn’s baby will be a safe space to support other parents on their parenting journey.